Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

when you have to let go

hari ini, dakuh akan membagikan suatu renungan yang bisa bikin kita mikir. apa iya, sesusah itu untuk melepaskan seseorang dari hidup kita?
well, pada awalnya emang susah.. dakuh juga merasa gitu kok.. apalagi kalo seseorang itu udah lumayan dapet porsi yang cukup besar dalam hati kita..

well, the point is, dikau harus tegas, chyin!
look at the reality.. is that someone worth enough to fight for?
is he/she treat you as a priority? or maybe just an option?

baru-baru ini, dakuh baru membuat sebuah keputusan untuk letting go..
setelah menimbang-nimbang dan berpikir secara rasional (and did some reality testing, too, of course), akhirnya keputusan itu dibuat..

I'll tell you by these words..

the one who truly loves you, will never want to see you sad
he'll try everything just to make you smile
this is the one worth fighting for..

the one who "loves" you just for fun, will never care whether you're happy or sad when you're with them
all they care about is their own fun
this is the one you have to let go..

the one who truly loves you, will always be there for you
no matter you need them or not
this is the one worth fighting for..

the one who "loves" you just for fun, will always be there only if they need you
they won't be there when you need them
this is the one you have to let go..

when you're far from him, but he doesn't have any intention to chase another girls
this is the one worth fighting for..

when you're far from him, but he's still have a lot of girls to play with
this is the one you have to let go..

when he cares for you, yet he's still care with another girls
this is the one you have to let go..

when he cares for you, and only you
this is the one worth fighting for..

because letting go is not about impossibility..
it's about a decision..

so which one you choose? :)

a little note:
to someone worth fighting for in my life
thank you.. for showing me such a great love.. for always be there for me, even when i hurt you..
i realize now.. you're the one worth fighting for.. *big hug*

to someone i have to let go
well, this is the end.. no more "us".. because i realized, i was just your options.
and i don't want it anymore.. so i let you go.. :)

Minggu, 14 November 2010

alone tonight.. listening to this song over and over again..
maybe if you listen to it, you'll realize.. :)

Take time to realize,
That your warmth is
Crashing down on in..
Take time to realize,
That I am on your side
Didn't I, Didn't I tell you..

But I can't spell it out for you,
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I cant spell it out for you

If you just realize what I just realized,
Then we'd be perfect for each other
and will never find another..
Just realized what I just realized
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now..

Take time to realize
Oh-oh I'm on your side
didn't I, didn't I tell you..
Take time to realize
This all can pass you by.. Didn't I tell you..

But I can't spell it out for you,
no its never gonna be that simple.
no I can't spell it out for you..

If you just realized what I just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another..
Just realized what I just realized,
we'd never have to wonder if
we missed out on each other now..

It's not always the same
no it's never the same
if you don't feel it too..
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way,
It could be the same for you..

If you just realized what I just realized,
then we'd be perfect for each other
then we'd never find another..
Just realized what I just realized,
we'd never have to wonder
Just realized what I just realized..


missed out on each other now
missed out on each other now

Realize by Colbie Caillat

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

moving on without you

finally I realize..
she means everything to you..
maybe she doesn't know the darkest part of you,
she just knows the good side..
meanwhile, I've seen your evil side..

seeing the two of you together, it's hurting me..
but I know there's nothing I can't do..
I lose..
I don't know how to kill this feeling..

maybe, if we didn't go that far,
I just need a little time to erase you outta my life..
maybe, if I haven't met you,
my life wouldn't be miserable like now..

now I finally realize..
we'll never be together..

thank you..
for giving me such a wonderful memories in this few months..
thank you..
for making me realize that there's someone else who really cares for me..

now I'm going back to him..
maybe we'll be just friend..
or maybe we can be foe..
I'll try not to remember all the bad things you've done to me..

cause I'll move on without you..
I know it's hard, but I'll try..

Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

a confession

after a long time no blogging, finally i decided to blog again.. :)

well, my life has moved on so far..
and here the story goes..

it's hurt when you know you'd already fall in love with a person
but you don't know whether he loves you back or not

i feel it
i love him..
but i don't know what he feels for me..
i had made a big decision in my life
i dedicate my life to love him..

but this is how the story goes..
when you love someone, you'll never count the disadvantage of loving him
all you know is just love him, love him, and love him more..
even though sometimes he hurts you
yet you still love him..

call me stupid
call me blind
but i can't stop loving him..

i'm just hoping
that somewhere, somehow..
he'll know my true feelings for him..

to Mr. XXX out there, if you read it, then you'll know..
my heart is yours since that day.. :)

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

terlanjur cinta.. T.T

Waktu bergulir lambat merantai langkah perjalanan kita
Berjuta cerita terukir dalam menjadi sebuah dilema
Mengertikah engkau perasaanku tak terhapuskan

Malam menangis tetes embun basahi mata hatiku
Mencoba bertahan diatas puing-puing
Cinta yang telah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan tlah ku berikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan cintaku

Aku pun tak mengerti yang terjadi
Apa salah dan kurang ku padamu
Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karna sekali cinta aku tetap cinta

Mencoba bertahan diatas puing-puing
Cinta yang telah rapuh
Apa yang ku genggam tak mudah untuk aku lepaskan

Aku terlanjur cinta kepadamu
Dan tlah ku berikan seluruh hatiku
Tapi mengapa baru kini kau pertanyakan
Kau pertanyakan cintaku

Kini terlambat sudah untuk dipersalahkan
Karna sekali cinta
Karna sekali cinta aku tetap cinta

hmm.. awalnya gw denger nih lagu di acara dahsyat-nya RCTI.. *maklum selama liburan gw jd nonton tipi mlulu

pas pertama kali denger.. lagunya lumayan jg.. boleh jg lah si rossa duet ama pasha.. waktu itu gw ga terlalu perhatiin liriknya.. setelah beberapa hari "keracunan" dahsyat, lama2 gw jd sadar sebenernya tuh lagu tentang apa!!!

first.. tuh lagu menggambarkan keadaan rossa n pasha sendiri.. as you know, mereka sama2 punya masalah dalam rumah tangganya. hmm.. gw jadi tambah merasa mereka emang cocok buat duet nyanyiin tuh lagu..

but the second one.. menohok hati!!! coz i realize that this song represents my life!!! my love life!!! oh my God, dalem banget.. pas banget.. sialnya gw ga bisa nangis.. ga mungkin donk gw nangis2 ga jelas di depan bokap+nyokap+ade gw??!!! padahal keinginan buat nangis udah ga bisa ditahan lg..

then.. why i said this song represents my love life?? liat aja liriknya... semuanya pas.. yup, semuanya!! selama ini banyak lagu yg mirip ama hidup gw.. tapi cuma mirip!! ga ampe pas semuanya kayak nih lagu!! hiks..

apalagi lirik terakhir di refrain-nya..

karna skali cinta, aku tetap cinta

huwaaa... i wanna cry... T.T

Selasa, 03 Februari 2009

baru sembuh dari sakit langganan..

back to blog..
setelah kemaren seharian gw terkapar di ranjang..
ga makan..
ga minum..
ga mandi..
ga gosok gigi juga..
hehehe.. bukannya jorok.. tapi bener2 ga sanggup buat bangun..

jadi ceritanya gini, kemaren gw sakit lg.. sakit langganan.. knp gw blg langganan? karena kira2 3 bulan sekali gw sakit kayak gini..
tuh khan ampe gw itungin.. abis lumayan sering sih..

suspect sementara sih, gara2 masuk angin.. soalnya tiap gw masuk angin, pasti jadi ga enak badan, n buntut2nya jadi kram perut.. nah, klo udah kram perut ini yg menyiksa.. perut melilit kayak dipelintir2, ga bisa bangun, badan meriang, ga bisa makan atau minum... makan dikit, muntah! minum dikit, muntah jg!! udah minum obat, eh tetep aja muntah!

nah, kemaren ini (waktu senin dini hari) tuh emang anginnya gile banget kencengnya.. hujan angin, boo.. padahal gw tidur udah selimutan, rapet d pokoknya.. eh, dasar angin bandel, masih aja bisa masuk.. makanya paginya perut gw langsung ga enak gitu.. hiks..

huhh.. sebel d.. ampe gw ga bisa ngapa2in seharian..
ga bisa makan enak, minum aja susah... ga bisa online... ga bisa jalan2.. hehehe..

tapi sekarang udah mendingan sih, tadi udah bisa makan (walaupun ga sebanyak biasanya). huehehehe.. n lebih enak lg setelah minum hot chocolate.. hmm.. yummy~~~

i want more hot chocolate, please~~~

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

bride wars

yup, bride wars!! kenapa gw ampe nge-blog hari ini?? karena gw pengen nonton bride wars!!! loh?? *susah dicerna yah?.. hehe..

buat yg blom tau bride wars, liat aja resensinya disini..

okay, jadi gini ceritanya teman-temin dan kawan-kawin sekalian.. tadi siang gw ke TA ama cowo gw.. niatnya sih mau beli bluetooth headset buat HP dia, walopun akhirnya ga jd karena stoknya abis..

nah, begitu menginjakkan kaki di depan TA, gw liat di papan pajangan bioskop ntu, bride wars udah ada!!! studio 2.. hwaaa... pengen nonton.. dan berhubung tujuan utama ke TA ntu ga terpenuhi, khan mendingan nonton.. betul ga, saudara2?? *kedip2 mata

jadi.. dimulailah segala macem usaha buat ngebujuk si koko biar mau nonton bride wars.. tapi berhubung hari sabtu.. tiketnya mahal booo.. ga rela.. klo dibayarin sih gw rela2 aja.. hehehe.. padahal udah bujuk2, sempet ngambek jg.. eh, dia ga mau.. yah udah d..

usaha gw ga berhenti ampe situ. abis itu gw telp nasya, ngajak dia nonton.. eh, tuh anak kunyuk jg ga mau.. hiks.. usaha terakhir, telp cici gw, ajakin nonton jg, tapi dia jg ga bisa.. blom gajian.. hiks.. yah udah, nyerah d..

ada yg mau nemenin gw nonton bride wars ga???